Disaster Message Board

-Outline of the service-

The Disaster Message Board is a service that allows customers in the disaster area to register messages from 5G NET or LTE NET service when a disaster such as an earthquake measuring greater than lower 6 on the Japanese seismic scale occurs. The registered message can be confirmed by anyone using an au mobile phone, and also from another operator's mobile phone or PC.

<<Instructions and precautions for use>>
・To register messages on The Disaster Message Board, you need to have 5G NET or LTE NET service, and it is also necessary to have an (〜au.com/〜ezweb.ne.jp) email account.
・You can register or confirm messages from anywhere in Japan.
・You can register up to 10 messages. The messages are preserved during the continuous Disaster Message Board service period. If more than 10 messages are registered, the message that has been retained the longest will be deleted.
・If you have data roaming service, you can have access from your roaming destination as well.
・If a real disaster occurs while The Disaster Message Board is on a trial period, the official Disaster Message Board will be launched. Please be aware that in such a case the messages that were registered during the trial period may be deleted.
・We do not guarantee the quality of the service. Please note that we are unable to take any responsibility for any problem encountered during the registration of the message, any damage to or loss of the message due to the concentration of access to the service or equipment failure, or trouble arising from the registered message.

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